If some of these images seem familiar, that's because I use to have the drift2540.com surfing site.
I killed that site last year and was amazed at how many people made contact asking me what had happened to it.
I didn't realise how many people were still looking at it.
That's why I started this blog. I have revisited some of my old images and added new ones. Hope you enjoy the ride down memory lane and the future...

Feb 25, 2013

crystal voyagers


many crystal styles for pure crystal fun


  1. I remember that session! Took me awhile to figure out how to paddle out the back! I was riding adams board and one of the fins were barely hanging on the board
    tom riding the purple twin fin and appeared to me like the ultimate soul surfer
    good times with slats waka and mike

  2. It was a good trip,,,went to fast.
